‘Menacing dogs’ seized before savage dog attack

Wyndham council has confirmed that “menacing dogs” were seized near the house where a savage dog recently attacked a pet, causing it serious injury.

Council chief executive Kerry Thompson said the animals were seized before the horrific January 30 attack that left a pet boxer with serious chest injuries.

But she did not say whether the animals were from the same property as the dog responsible for the attack.

Despite claims by Werribee pet owner Emma Leunig that the council failed to act immediately, Ms Thompson said staff acted upon the complaint within “one working day”.

Ms Leunig had claimed that council staff told her no one was able to respond to her complaint because of staff shortages.

But, in a statement provided 10 days after the Weekly asked for a response, Ms Thompson said: “Wyndham City responded to the dog attack within one business day, immediately after it was reported. An investigation is currently under way and Ms Leunig is being kept informed of its progress.”

Ms Leunig said she feared for children in the area and believed a dog at the address where the attacking dog had come from had previously menaced a child.

Ms Thompson said: ‘‘There have been no reports of a child being attacked by a dog at this premises. However, a menacing dog at large was seized in this vicinity by council officers in October last year. This dog was subsequently euthanased.”