Firefighters warn of Wyndham ‘tinderbox’ threat

Homes could be destroyed if grass fires hit Wyndham before the end of the fire season, Werribee CFA captain Michael Wells warns.

“Werribee is surrounded by grassland, and homes could be lost as we saw in [this month’s] Mickleham fire,” he said.

“This area is a tinderbox with the potential of grass fires to run into residential areas. The potential for losing homes is huge.”

Mr Wells said a grass fire, sparked by an arcing power pole, burnt 60 hectares near Avalon Airport last Sunday, showing the fire threat was not over.

“We can’t guarantee a fire truck will be at your property [if it is threatened],” he said.

“People have to take this seriously, have a fire plan and get out early. We’ve seen people die in grass fires in the past, at Little River in the 1980s and Lara and Anakie in the 1960s, and we don’t want to repeat history.”

Mr Wells fought a fire at Riddells Creek on February 9 and said it was a “hard and fast”, unpredictable blaze, with flames leaping four metres.

He rescued a resident who ran through an “inferno” to go back inside his house and call triple-0 for help. The house was saved, but at the time there was no certainty it would be, Mr Wells said.

He said about 40 Werribee CFA volunteers were deployed to the Riddells Creek and Kilmore fires, while other volunteers protected Wyndham.

“We want to thank the generosity of employers who have allowed volunteers to assist with the fires,” Mr Wells said.

Werribee CFA lieutenant Sean Brittian did a 12-hour shift at the Riddells Creek blaze from 9pm on
February 9, and a day shift at the Kilmore fire last Wednesday.

“I work for Wyndham council as a civil maintenance officer and another two volunteers work for council and they couldn’t be more supportive,” he said.

His sons Liam, 12, and Dylan, 15, are among five Werribee and Hoppers Crossing juniors competing in this weekend’s Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria urban junior championships at Swan Hill.

More than 600 competitors will take part in events involving fitness, skill and speed with hoses and equipment, and putting water onto a target.