Only karate kids wanted as Craig knocked back

Wyndham martial artist Craig Stuart will represent Australia in an international karate tournament, but he has been told he’s too old for Wyndham council funding.

He needs a few thousand dollars to compete in the US competition but at age 41 is ineligible for council funding, which cuts off at 21 for individual sportsmen.

Stuart, who runs the Shindo Karate Association’s Point Cook dojo, has launched an online crowd-funding campaign after he was stunned to find there was no support for older Wyndham sportsmen.

“It’s not just Wyndham I’m representing. I am carrying the flag for Australia,” Stuart said.

“It is a real honour.

I feel amazed to represent this country, especially since I was originally from England.”

Stuart’s wife Wendy discovered the age limit while filling out an application for a $500 Wyndham responsive grant, covering locals “representing Wyndham through participation at national or international events of high standing”.

Wyndham chief executive Kerry Thompson said the council offered advice to individuals who did not qualify for grants. “We can assist them to write applications to other funding bodies and offer information sessions, written advice and individual support,” she said.

Stuart plans to take his wife and his son Callum – a 14-year-old first dan black belt – to April’s USA Karate Open in Las Vegas.

Although he has been practising karate since 1989, Stuart only started competing in Australian titles last year, winning bronze in three events: the Victorian championships, the Australian open in Sydney and the Australian Karate Federation nationals.

“I wanted to compete to take myself out of my comfort zone,” he said. “I started competing to show my students that we should always have a go and that we are never too old to go for something we want.’’

Stuart will represent Australia in the veterans section in karate kata – a series of movements, including punches and kicks, rather than sparring with a partner.

“Kata is more like ice skating, with fast and slow movements which show gracefulness and strength.”
