VCE: Suzanne Cory High School students relish a head start

Tiffini Tran feels like she’s ready to tackle year 12.

The year 11 Suzanne Cory High School student has completed year 12 biology and psychology, giving her a head start for her last year of school.

On Monday, she was at the Hoppers Lane school to celebrate with classmates who had also tackled a year 12 subject a year early.

Tiffini said she was relieved to discover she had achieved study scores of more than 40 for both subjects.

“I got my goal so I’m really happy,” she said. “[The subjects] took a lot of hard work and study.”

Tiffini said completing year 12 subjects while in year 11 helped her understand how hard she would have to work next year to achieve a high tertiary entrance score and study architecture at university.

“It really helped me understand the workload and the amount of homework I’ll have to do,” she said.

“It was scary, because in year 12 everything counts.”

Fellow student Fateh Singh described his score of 43 in mathematical methods as “surreal”.

“It was more than I expected as the exam was hard,” he said. “I’m hoping to continue getting high scores next year, so this will be motivation for me to work hard.”

VCE program and development leading teacher Martha Goodridge-Kelly said 178 of the school’s 200 year 11 students had completed one or more year 12 subjects this year. Next year, the cohort will become the school’s first year 12 students.

Fifty students scored above 40, while one student scored 50 in maths methods.

“We’re very pleased with the results,” Ms Goodridge-Kelly said. “Our first cohort to study year 12 subjects have done extremely well.

“They didn’t have anyone to look up to or talk to about what was expected of them and they have all recorded results well above the state average.”