In sickness or in health, your pets are for life

Kerryn Hamer couldn’t understand why her dog, Misha, hid under the couch from flies until an allergy test showed she was sensitive to many things, including fly droppings.

The Werribee pet owner has spent $10,000 over the past six years on lotions, injections and other medication to ease her spoodle’s allergic reactions.

But she wouldn’t have it any other way because Misha is a member of her family.

Mrs Hamer is part of a new Wyndham movement founded by her daughter, Rebecca Arnold, and friends Kelsey Robinson and Jessi-anna Townsend. “Burden or Bestie” is designed to promote responsible pet ownership.

“The aim is to give the community some examples of responsible ownership and the amazing benefits they can get from having an animal that is a best friend and doesn’t become a burden,” Ms Arnold said.

“We want to acknowledge responsible animal ownership instead of concentrating on all the negative attention given to irresponsible animal owners.” Mrs Hamer says owning a pet was like caring for a child.

“Sometimes your child is healthy, sometimes they need extra care,” she said.

“In return we get lots of love. Misha is such a brilliant dog, she’s so much fun and she puts her paws around you for a cuddle.

“When you take on a pet, it’s like a child and depends on you. Make sure you have enough money for vet bills because you can’t just get rid of it, it’s a member of your family.”

Ms Arnold said Burden or Bestie encouraged people to choose the right pet and highlighted the responsibility that “a pet is for life, not just for Christmas”.

The group is running a Facebook competition, with prizes for people who post a picture of themselves with their pet and say why they are a responsible owner. Entries close this Sunday. 
