Questions you should ask about aged care


Moving into a Care Home can seem a daunting proposition, there are certainly a lot of horror stories out there, which even those who work in the sector are horrified by. Positive stories and experiences are much less newsworthy, but for many living in a care home, that is their reality as they have a fulfilling and comfortable life.

Places like Manor Court in Werribee think of themselves as a caring community where people are supported in their health needs but also provide opportunities for residents to socialise and participate in a variety of activities.

So how do you choose a good home for yourself or a loved one?

There are a few things to consider such as location, registered nurse coverage (24/7), the feel of the place and individual preferences – for example do you prefera large hotel like experience or one which has a homely-vibe? What activities are available? What additional costs are there? Are you allowed to bring in your own furniture and hang pictures on the wall? Are GPs available etc.

There is a lot of very helpful resources available for home care as well as residential care on the My Aged Care website Find a Provider ( where you can also find the star ratings for any care home that you are considering. These ratings consider compliance with regulations, resident feedback, quality indicators and staffing levels. But most importantly, it really is a case of going in, having a look, and talking to staff and observing residents. If you can, try and prepare prior to any medical event that potentially leads to a residential admission from a hospital stay. Probably most people want to stay a home, but having a plan B and an Aged Care Home lined up just in case won’t hurt.