Preps celebrate 100 days at Woodville Primary School


Woodville Primary School is excited to announce the wonderful achievement of its 2024 Prep students celebrating their 100 days of school.

Students were encouraged to dress up as an elderly person to represent the day. They participated in numerous fun and engaging activities, games, crafts, and a special pizza lunch.

Students enjoy numerous engaging and whole school events throughout the year, whether it be sporting events, cultural days, community events, fundraising activities (Big Colour Fun Run).

We encourage all new families to Woodville Primary School to book a tour of our school with the principal and become acquainted with the school environment.

We encourage nearby kindergartens students to participate in our playdates, so they become familiar with the surroundings. We also conduct transition sessions for our future 2025 Prep students who begin forming friendships whilst getting to know teachers and classrooms.

The website provides further information about the school. Once students are enrolled, our families gain access to the school’s communication platform Compass.

Woodville Primary School community prides itself on the school values; Respect, Responsibility, Resilience and Inclusiveness. Student wide positive behaviour is celebrated on a daily basis whereby students are recognised for the accomplishments of effort and achievement with gold and purple awards which are celebrated with their peers and shared with their families.