Plane spotting is no light breeze

Aircraft spotting has become a fun pastime for many. Gerald Lynch speaks with an aviation fanatic of what all the […]

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Hewett makes right decision

Sliding door moments are as true in sport as in everyday life, just ask this month’s Don Deeble nominee, Astin […]

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Year 10 applied learning students offer Christmas cheer

The year 10 applied learning students at MacKillop College have embraced the spirit of St Mary MacKillop by seeing a […]

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A Shaw thing

Wyndham councillor Mia Shaw will once again don the mayoral robes after holding off a challenge from Cr Peter Maynard. […]

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Old fashioned but not obsolete

With the rise of AI threatening to put many employees and their professions out of business, Cade Lucas talks to […]

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Meet the new councillors

Wyndham’s council chamber has received a shake up, with four fresh faces set to join the new council. Preet Singh […]

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