The Hillier View: Turned off tattoos

If Kevin Hillier had his way it would be ta-ta to tattoos

Let’s not beat around the bush here … I don’t like tattoos. I’ve not always felt this way and I admit there was a time when a Bulldogs premiership might have seen some ink grace my torso. But not now.

I should also declare I am a big sook and the pain has no attraction for me either.

Tattoos were once associated mostly with bikies, sailors and shady figures, and certainly not females. But today it seems every second person has one and, in most cases, not just one. I feel that what seems like a good idea now might not be such a great thing in 20 years.

How many people do you know who get their wife, husband, boyfriend or girlfriend’s name inked, only to then break up?

Actor Johnny Depp was never going to find another Winona so he changed Winona Forever to Wino Forever.

dane swan


My 10-year-old is fascinated by tattoos because he sees sporting heroes such Dane Swan, Dustin Martin and Mitchell Johnson, who have dozens. Swan actually owns a tattoo parlour in Melbourne. I find the sleeve and neck and face tattoos really off-putting and I have no doubt there are employers who are put off by them, too. I know I would be.

My SEN colleague, Kevin Bartlett, made a good point to me the other day, suggesting that in this day and age when you can have ‘fake’ tattoos that look real, why not go for that as they do in the movies? Then if you get sick of it you can wash it off.

To me, having a tatt is a bit like wearing the same shirt every day of the year. Eventually you must get sick of it.

I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences. Do you have a tattoo? If so, where, and of what? How would you feel about your children getting one or several? Are they a turn-on or a turn-off? Look forward to hearing from you.

Finally, a word to our councillors about voting for the position of mayor next week: Pick the best person for the job. End of story. ■

If you have any news or events, let me know at kevin@howdypartnersmedia.