Hillier View

Happy New Year. I trust you had a great Christmas. We certainly had a quiet one and I noticed my neighbourhood was the quietest for years, except for the mandatory fireworks on New Year’s Eve.

Why do people bother when hundreds of thousands of dollars of crackers are there for all to see in the city? I can’t comment on whether the new Pacific Werribee handled the Christmas rush because this year I did 90 per cent of my shopping online and, from what I gather, that’s the growing trend.

My one whinge from the holiday was about the cheeky blighter who deposited a bag of rubbish on top of my recycling bin. My bin was already full and I’d have been filthy if the collectors had refused to empty the bin because of that bag. What do you think?

This is an election year for Wyndham council, with poll day on October 22. I know it’s only January, but I call on all current councillors to let the ratepayers know in the next few weeks whether they intend to stand for re-election.

I understand circumstances can change and that’s acceptable, but I think we have a right to know as soon as possible which way they’re leaning.

It might also be the catalyst for potential candidates to consider more strongly whether to run.

The current council has had more than its share of bad moments and I believe there is discontent among many of them over the way this council has conducted itself in many areas.

We don’t expect councillors to be perfect, none of us are, but we do expect a certain standard of behaviour, transparent and open dialogue with ratepayers and accountability for their actions.

We also need the election process to be above board and, like dummy bidders at auctions, there’s no room for candidates on the ballot paper who are there purely for the purpose of diverting preferences.

The future of councils is dependent on getting the very best people in office, otherwise WE would be negligent to let a bunch of part-timers run a multi-million dollar business.