Healthy Together Wyndham: Men who give a toss

For 50 Wyndham men at last week’s Sons of the West cooking session, salad was the dish of the day.

In the session, led by dietitian Vanessa Korfiatis, the men learned how to make their own nutritious and delicious salads.

Free to all men over 18 across the western suburbs, the Sons of the West men’s health program is co-ordinated by the Western Bulldogs and supported by Healthy Together Wyndham.

Father of five Douglas-John Ramm, of Tarneit, said the program had made a significant impact on his life.

“I almost died a few years back due to the lifestyle choices I’d made,” he said.

“I had severe acute necrotising pancreatitis and was in a coma for four weeks. That left me with a brain injury that’s affected my memory and stopped me from working. Because the Sons of the West took all my measurements last year and again this year, I know that all my health stats have improved.

“It’s more than just helping my physical health; it’s about getting out and meeting people again.”

It’s a similar story for Hoppers Crossing’s Martin Stuart, who lost more than three kilograms in a month by making a few lifestyle and dietary changes.

“I’m keeping my portion sizes in check,” he said. “I’m doing the exercise program on Tuesday nights and now have a half-hour walk each day … I’m already feeling better and less lethargic than before.”

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Healthy Together Wyndham is a joint initiative of Wyndham council and the state government and is supported by Wyndham Star Weekly.

Click here for more details.

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