My Wyndham: Peter Sharp

A Wyndham resident of four decades, Peter Sharp arrived in town as a ‘10-pound Pom’ and has no plans of leaving. If he did, he would be sorely missed.

What’s your connection to the local community?

I’m co-ordinator of the dog-walking program run by Wyndham council. I work in the council office on Mondays as part of that role and walk a dog three times a week. The program is for aged and disabled people with dogs, who are unable to walk them. I organise volunteers to walk clients’ dogs, which involves assessing whether the client is eligible for the service, ensuring the dog is not dangerous and matching a volunteer to the dog owner and dog. Wyndham is the only council in Victoria to have a dog-walking program. I’m also involved in planning walks around Wyndham for Seniors Week in September. This year, the walks will be held in Wyndham Vale.

What do you remember being in Wyndham that’s no longer there?

When we came to Wyndham there used to be cows at the bottom of our road. It was a small village/country town and a place people came to visit for a day trip, picnic or holiday.

What do you like about your neighbourhood?

It’s a great place to live. There’s plenty of parks, walking and cycling tracks and it’s great to see the new swimming pool coming along. My wife and I like to cycle and walk along Federation Trail, along the creek in Wyndham Vale and the river track to Werribee Mansion.

What would you change in your neighbourhood?

Our roads and traffic islands need to be improved.

Ballan Road, in particular, needs to be widened and given better drainage.

We need more integration of different nationalities so new Australians don’t feel segregated.

What’s your favourite eatery or place to get coffee?

There are plenty of good coffee bars on Watton Street. The café at the new medical centre in Hoppers Crossing also has great coffee.

I like Fresh Chilli Thai restaurant in Wyndham Vale.

How do you spend your downtime?

My wife and I like travelling in outback Australia and overseas. I also love golf and have been a member of Werribee Golf Club for almost 40 years. I know a lot of guys down there from when we moved to the area.