Healthy Together Wyndham: Peas … I want more

The humble pea is back – bigger and greener than ever.

Give Peas a Chance, a healthy eating campaign launched by Healthy Together Wyndham nearly two years ago, is being expanded to encourage local pre-schoolers to eat more vegies.

This year, 54 Wyndham kindergartens and long day care centres have been invited to get involved.

Wyndham councillor and community well-being portfolio holder Bob Fairclough said, initially, the healthy eating campaign involved pop-up kitchens offering advice about choices, with samples of tasty, healthy foods.

“We’re very pleased to see this fantastic campaign expanded to encourage pre-schoolers across Wyndham to eat more vegetables,” Cr Fairclough said.

“The range of four different vegetables promoted in the 2013 campaign has now been expanded to 12, including capsicum, spinach, beetroot, tomatoes … and more.”

Each month, a new vegetable will be the focus of kindergarten and child care activities. Tip sheets have been designed to give parents some easy and delicious ideas to bring vegetables back into the family’s diet.

“The new-look Give Peas a Chance campaign will demonstrate to local families that vegies aren’t expensive or difficult to prepare,” Cr Fairclough said.

“It’s important that parents have all the right tips for making vegies a delicious part of daily meals. A healthy diet helps children form good life-long health habits.

“We hope the fun activities we’ve designed around 12 different vegetables will give youngsters an appreciation of real food in all its flavours.”

Wyndham’s Give Peas a Chance campaign received a high commendation at the Victorian Health Promotion Awards in December last year.


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