Healthy Together Wyndham: Join us in flab fight

It’s the fight against fat that we need to have.

With more than half of Wyndham’s residents overweight or obese, drastic action is needed to improve healthy eating habits across the municipality.

The statistics are both startling and alarming.

In Wyndham, only 5 per cent of adults eat enough vegetables. About 53 per cent of residents are overweight or obese.

Almost 25 per cent of women in Wyndham smoke, compared with 17 per cent across Victoria.

More than 40 per cent of adults and more than 85 per cent of 13 to 17 year olds do not get enough daily activity.

For the past two and a half years, a world-leading program aimed at fighting the growing fat epidemic has been operating out of the City of Wyndham.

Healthy Together Wyndham (HTW), funded by the Victorian government, is one of 12 Healthy Together communities across Victoria that have caught the attention of health policy makers in New Zealand, Wales, South Africa and Canada for their local approach to a global health problem.

HTW works with workplaces, schools, kindergartens, childcare centres, sports clubs and community organisations to create healthier environments and make healthy choices easier for the Wyndham community.

And now, Star Weekly is joining the fight.

In the coming months, your No.1 community newspaper will provide you with tips and suggestions on how you can improve your lifestyle.

We will publish healthy recipes in the newspaper and online that cater for every taste as we join HTW in a battle against current trends.

According to Wyndham community health and well-being portfolio holder Bob Fairclough, the initiative has already reached close to 55,000 community members – about one third of Wyndham’s population.

“We know that a healthy lifestyle reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes and some cancers,” Cr Fairclough said. “It can also promote better mental health and weight loss, improve concentration and boost energy levels and immunity.

“It’s a complex issue. With about 53 per cent of adults in Wyndham overweight or obese, it’s not simply down to the individual’s willpower.

“The [HTW] team is working at the grass-roots level to influence policy, develop strategies, create sustainable partnerships and implement programs.”

Quick Facts

Healthy Together Wyndham has so far reached almost 54,500 residents, or 34 per cent of our population.

In Wyndham:

• For every one fresh fruit and vegetable outlet in Wyndham there are seven fast food outlets.

• Less than three per cent of residents eat enough fruit and vegetables.

• About 54 per cent of all residents are overweight or obese.

• More than eight out of every 10 Wyndham adolescents don’t get the recommended daily physical exercise.


Peas … I want more