THE HILLIER VIEW: Please, Julia, just be yourself

I was interested to watch the Julia Gillard Special with Ray Martin on Channel 9 the other night because she’s our former federal MP in Lalor, a former Prime Minister and someone I have met on numerous occasions.

She was promoting her book, My Story, and I have no problem with that. My problem, and Julia is certainly not unique here, was the difference between the person I know and the one we saw on television.

Politicians have media advisers who teach them how to deal with the press. Wrong. Don’t deal with the press; be yourself.

The Julia I know is likeable and engaging. She’s cheeky, self-effacing and down to earth. The one I see on television is stern, evasive, territorial and contrived.

The Julia I have met is tactile, and, yes, I have kissed a Prime Minister on the cheek on more than one occasion (Julia, not Kevin).

Julia’s body language on TV makes it look as if she’s wearing a bullet-proof vest that will explode if the interviewer comes within cooee. Other representatives at all levels of government suffer from it, too.

This isn’t about politics, as such, but about the political machine that turns normal people into political animals.

I want to be represented by a human being, not a political animal. Image means nothing to me; substance does.

I’d say to all those lining up for council positions, state government seats this November or federal politics – be a real person, not a political animal. You’ll be better for it and so will we, your constituents. Your thoughts are welcome.

$pecial $eptember

Got some great feedback on September being the best month of the year, because of the weather, the show, footy finals and the Spring Racing Carnival. I love it all, but I think we may have to change the spelling to $eptember because, ouch, it all costs so much.

How ridiculous that a family ticket of two adults and two children at the show is $82, while two adults and one child is $90. The box office lady saved me the $8, which I appreciated. I then gave the extra child’s ticket to a family waiting in line, saving them a few bucks as well. So a win-win.

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■ If you have any news or events, let me know at kevin@howdypartnersmedia.