THE HILLIER VIEW: Super September

It’s an election year so I urge you to Vote 1 September, for the best month of the year.

As kids we loved it for the school holidays, the Royal Melbourne Show and footy finals.

As adults, we still love all those. Now I can throw in the Spring Racing Carnival, which started at Flemington last weekend.

The run of weather we’ve had since the start of the month also brings a smile to the faces of most.

You can see it in little things like when you’re shopping . . . staff seem happier and instead of complaining about the weather they’re positive: ‘Lovely day, isn’t it?’ You see more people walking and you feel more like being outside, not stuck indoors.

I love the Royal Melbourne Show, it takes me back to my childhood, with the showbags, the rides, the carny attractions and even the food.

Memories of the dodgem cars, dagwood dogs, balls in the clown’s mouth and – my personal favourite as a kid – the racing monkeys (complete with Bert Bryant-type commentary from the attendant who always sounded like he’d just smoked 30 cigarettes) are triggered every time I walk into Sideshow Alley.

I was a showbag pig as a kid, spending all my pocket money on bags of stuff I didn’t really want but felt I had to have. I can’t wait to experience it again in the next few weeks through the eyes of my nine-year-old son.

Exciting times

The footy finals bring an excitement that can’t be measured by crowd figures and television ratings.

Let’s be honest, you must be from another planet if you don’t know who’s playing at this time of the season. Everyone has an opinion on who’ll win and I find it hard to believe that anyone wouldn’t want to be part of the exciting events that happen in September.

The naysayers will bring up hayfever, lawn mowing and spring cleaning, but, for me, September has my vote as the best month of the year. Your thoughts are welcome.

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