THE HILLIER VIEW: Leaving bad smell

I’ve have had my fair share of interesting experiences while dining out but recently I had two I’d never experienced before and hope never to be put through again.

The first was being accused of doing a runner. Yes, how dare they? I was with my wife, her mother and our son, hardly Bonnie and Clyde or Ma Barker’s gang in their prime. It’s embarrassing having a waitress yelling at you “Did you pay? What’s your room number?” as you’re walking up the stairs. I was offended, and let them know an apology was in order.

The second incident was totally different. A dinner for just Sarah and I, Hayden was with grandma and no driving was required, so we were both looking forward to a nice meal and a glass or two of whatever.

We were seated next to a family of four, which was fine until one of the two young boys at the family table had a flatulence problem. Unfortunately his problem soon became our problem, as the stench wafted its way to our table. Once was pretty hard to stomach, but it happened again about five minutes later, so our dinner conversation went from, what we had done that day to “Do you think they have gas masks here?” Do we ask to be reseated and if we do, what do we say is the reason? Should we just get up and leave?

Then the father took one of the boys to the toilet and, not surprisingly, the germ warfare stopped. Luckily we hadn’t been served our meals because I wouldn’t have been able to taste anything but deep fried stench. Has this happened to you and what did you do? I look forward to your feedback on this.

Umm, what’s up mate?

“ARE you OK, mate?” On hearing that, the young man on the ground jumped up like a member of Michael Jackson’s dance ensemble and assured me he was fine but thanks for asking.

He was clearly under the influence of something, as he’d been writhing around and appeared to be in a state of agitation, before lying down and responding to my inquiry. I had my phone in my hand, triple-0 was primed and ready to go. I wasn’t sure if I wanted an ambulance or a police car but, thankfully, I and the young man needed neither.

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