My Wyndham: Les Sanderson

Little River Historical Society president Les Sanderson grew up in the area and knows a thing or two about Wyndham – past and present.


What’s your connection to the local community?

I’ve just moved into Wyndham Vale (Manor Lakes). I grew up in Little River and have always been involved with the community; we were always encouraged by our parents to be [involved in community] like they were.

I’m president of Little River Historical Society and its representative at Wyndham Tourism Association meetings.

I’m secretary of Little River Mechanics Institute and Free Library; a life member of the Little River Cricket Club and Youth Club and have been president of the tennis and badminton clubs.


Where’s your favourite retreat spot?

As a kid I loved going to the You Yangs and now I like to spend time at the Mechanics Hall going through the historical society collection.


What’s your favourite eatery?

Best coffee in Little River is Little River Motors (general store). In Werribee, any Wyndham Tourist Association member cafe.

Wyndham Cache and Johnsons on K are excellent and Accetta’s Woodfired Pizza House does a good pizza.


What would you change in your neighbourhood?

Little River is starting to get too surburbanised (i.e. concrete footpaths and non-country style dwellings).

I’d remove and repair footpaths with gravel or Lilydale topping and give the town its rural heritage back. The town has a lot of history and historical structures that people would come to see if preserved. I’d encourage a single body to be the voice of both councils, as it must be difficult for Wyndham Council to know where to allocate funds with small groups requesting funding for different things. One body could set priorities.


What would you not change?

The rural feel and friendly atmosphere.

Locals welcome visitors and former residents and the community pitches in at fund-raisers organised by groups they may not be involved in.

Little River has a number of good volunteer groups all working toward the benefit of the town.


What do you remember being in Wyndham that’s no longer there?

In Werribee; Comben’s Self Service Wholesalers, Horrie Davis’ hardware, Manor Railway station, Fisher Motors, Biland Trading, Denny’s, Callanan’s Chemist, the hospital in Synott Street (near pool) and Dr Prouse.

In Little River; Bulls General Store, Monty’s Motors, school concerts in the hall, the railway station being manned 24 hours and gangers checking the line, collecting milk for school from the railway station in a wheelbarrow; the Melbourne Metropolitan Board of Works workers bus and Jack McLean’s school bus taking students to school in Geelong.