THE HILLIER VIEW: Mean-spirited and personal

The definition of an opinion is a belief, impression, judgment or prevailing view held by a person. Last time I looked it was not illegal to have an opinion, nor compulsory that you agree with it.

For the most part this column is opinion based, hence the title and I welcome your feedback whether you agree or disagree with me.

I am a big grown up adult so send your emails or letters to me and feel free to stop me in the supermarket – many do.

Please don’t do what some have done lately and go behind my back to people I do business with. It is cowardly and it totally devalues your argument. It is mean-spirited and personal, two traits I do not include in the views expressed in this paper.

If you are in public office you know the territory and accept that not everyone is going to agree with you or like your decisions. If you don’t, find a new vocation.

Werribee comedy

A comedy about Werribee is about to hit our beloved Cultural Centre next month and you can contribute. Damian Callinan and Mickey D have been taking their Road Trip show across Australia and will hit Werribee on June 21.

They will spend days beforehand filming local sites and people and you can make suggestions via their Facebook page (Road Trip with Damian Callinan & Mickey D).

I know there will be poo farm jokes but I am hoping that it will rise a bit above that most obvious of targets. It is a great idea for a show and I look forward to seeing what the boys come up with. If you are really keen you can fill out a questionnaire that you can get from the Cultural Centre.

I am going to make sure they are aware of the home based “Hair Saloon” which I saw near my place recently. One can only imagine what goes on inside the Saloon. Surely everyone gets a beer rinse pre cut, and no doubt customers are offered coffee, tea or hair of the dog. And of course there is the ongoing joke about our traffic.