The federal and state governments are being urged to provide funding for a metro rail tunnel to improve public transport services and boost employment in the wake of Toyota’s decision to close its Altona factory in 2017.
Victorian Council of Social Service (VCOSS) chief executive Emma King said that by investing in services and infrastructure, governments could ensure that communities hit by job losses weathered the current crisis and began to build a strong economic future.
“The Victorian government should immediately seek federal funding for comprehensive public transport infrastructure, which has the potential to be genuinely transformative and increase productivity and economic participation across the state,” Ms King said.
While the state government remains committed to building a rail project that would increase capacity on Melbourne’s rail network, the federal government has repeatedly ruled out funding urban rail projects.
Lalor Labor MP Joanne Ryan said Prime Minister Tony Abbott could help western suburbs residents find work and relieve pressure on the public transport system by investing in the metro tunnel.
She urged Mr Abbott to reverse his decision to cut $3 billion promised for the project by the former Labor government.
“I know how much this kind of investment would mean for local workers worried about their future, as well as helping residents using public transport,” Ms Ryan said.