Pair reach out to cemetery good Samaritan

Frank Mollica believes the actions of a quick-thinking good Samaritan aided the recovery of his mother-in-law after a nasty fall at Werribee cemetery.

Madelena Campagnolo was visiting the cemetery with her daughter Anna on Christmas Day when she tripped and fell, hitting her face on the ground. The fall smashed her glasses, injuring her eyes.

A man driving past the cemetery saw Mrs Mollica struggling to pick up her mother and stopped his car.

The man jumped the cemetery fence and raced to Mrs Campagnolo’s aid, helping her to her daughter’s car.

At Werribee Mercy Hospital, doctors told Mrs Campagnolo that she had lost the sight in her left eye and would only be able to see directly in front of her from her right eye.

“Without that man’s help, Anna wouldn’t have been able to get her to the car and to the hospital,” Mr Mollica said.

The couple hopes the good Samaritan will come forward so they can thank him properly.

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