Wyndham Harbour rezoning aids ferry bid

Plans to expand the Wyndham Harbour development have been passed by Victoria’s lower house, despite protests from the state opposition.

A Wyndham planning scheme amendment to allow the rezoning of 11 hectares of green wedge land next to the Werribee South development was put to Parliament last Thursday and opposed by the Labor Party.

The expansion would increase the marina community by about 40 per cent to 1400 residents, making a proposed ferry service from Werribee to the city more viable.

But a planned 11-hectare wetland would be scaled back to 0.21 hectares. The government claimed that even before the reduction, studies found the wetlands would not be sustainable.

Tarneit Labor MP Tim Pallas said he was not opposed to the development, but he criticised Planning Minister Matthew Guy for asking MPs to approve the expansion without consulting the community.

“The government didn’t go through the proper environmental reviews and community consultation processes,’’ he said.

‘‘It may be that the wetlands would not be viable, but we need a more serious review of the issue.

“The community should get a say. It affects them.”

Mr Pallas said the government had not reviewed the impact of the expansion on Werribee South’s narrow, ageing roads and traffic in the area.

Mr Guy said the expansion had the support of Wyndham council.

“The proposed 11-hectare expansion would provide new homes and jobs to Melbourne’s fast-growing Wyndham growth corridor and would seek to make a Melbourne-bound ferry service more viable,’’ he said.

“The Labor opposition needs to explain to the people of Melbourne’s fast-growing western suburbs why they are voting against planning scheme amendments that create local jobs and local investment in areas where it’s needed the most.”

The amendment must still be approved by the upper house.