Bills worry for refugees

REFUGEES in Wyndham are being targeted by electricity companies hoping to convince them to change energy providers, says the Wyndham Legal Service.

The service says it has been contacted by a

rising number of refugees who have received bills from electricity companies with whom they didn’t sign up.

Community development lawyer Shorna Moore said many other refugees felt pressured to switch energy providers by salespeople claiming to be from the government.

“One of the tactics the salespeople use is to say that people need to verify their details, and then get them to answer questions on the phone. The people then find their accounts have been changed.

“Another tactic used by the retailers is to tell people to show them their bills so they can show them how to save money. The retailers then take the details from the accounts and transfer them. [This means] people are receiving bills that they do not understand.”

To help refugees understand their bills and question any changes, the legal service has organised a ‘bring your bills day’ with the help of Anglicare and the Footscray Legal Centre.

People can bring along their bills and get help to understand the charges.

The information session will be held at Wayaperri House, 106 Duncans Road, Werribee, from 9am-noon next Monday.