Accident blackspot at Dohertys and Tarneit roads to be redeveloped

One of Wyndham’s major traffic black spots will be redeveloped, with a contract awarded for the construction of a roundabout at the intersection of Dohertys and Tarneit roads.

The $870,700 contract was given to Excell Gray Bruni last week. Works include construction of a roundabout, kerb and channel, linemarking, road drainage, lighting and landscaping.

Mayor Kim McAliney said preparation works to relocate fences and overhead power lines had already been undertaken.

“These works will make the intersection safer and more user friendly for motorists,” she said.

“The intersection of Dohertys and Tarneit roads has been the location of many severe accidents, including several fatalities.

There have been 10 recorded accidents at the intersection over the five-year period between 2006 and 2010.”

Work will begin next month and should be completed later this year.