Set for excellence

In the spirit of Archbishop Thomas Carr, young men and women at Thomas Carr College in Tarneit are encouraged to strive for excellence according to individual gifts.

The Catholic college caters to about 1200 students from year 7 to 12 and focuses on education to enhance their futures, whether in tertiary study or the workforce.

“Students can attend career expos to aid year 10 subject selections and pathway planning,” says acting principal Brigitte McDonald.

“They will have the opportunity to speak with exhibitors from tertiary institutions and attend workshops.

“This year we’re having our own mini workshop with a guest speaker discussing ‘Finding Your Groove’, a youth empowerment program giving students career choices matching their personality and talents.”

The college has different educational programs including the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL), Vocational Educational Training (VET) and the VCE. “VET and VCAL students will benefit from a $3.2 million government grant to build a Trade Training Centre so students can undertake courses in carpentry, building and construction, furniture and cabinet making and bricklaying,” Ms McDonald says.

Drama and music also play an important part with students encouraged to join annual productions.

“We’re proud of 2012 DUX, Holly Briffa, who attained a score of 99.9 and was offered a scholarship to The University of Melbourne.”