Your Town: At last, an ear lent to ‘rank and file’

I RECENTLY read an excellent article that highlighted the frustration we “rank and file” feel towards politicians who don’t listen.

There has always been loud and energetic public debate around issues such as the east-west link, Port Phillip Bay dredging and the carbon tax.

At a local level, Wyndham residents speak of residential overdevelopment and the snail’s pace at which roads, public transport and infrastructure progress.

It sometimes seems like some of our local councillors have gone AWOL since being elected in October last year, only popping up in the local papers when it suits.

However, kudos must go to council’s community development team, and our councillors, for developing the ‘‘Wyndham Exchange’’.

A series of listening posts will be set up across the municipality, giving ratepayers direct access to those we voted for.

It’s a great opportunity for any of us who regularly have something to say about the actions of our council.

High on the agenda, I suspect, will be the overcrowding of our suburbs and roads, the disgusting tip mountain, sports facilities and the bad behaviour of local hoons.

Perhaps the issue of ‘‘missing in action’’ councillors will be raised, along with questions on what they’ve done in the past 10 months to represent their wards.

Whatever the issue, question, comment or compliment, the Wyndham Exchange is a chance for everyone to get their message to those who matter.

Hopefully, they’ll be ready to listen.

The first Wyndham Exchange is from 11am to 1pm on Saturday at Station Place, Werribee.

– Emma Sutcliffe is a freelance writer