Point Cook midwifery student making a wordly difference

Point Cook midwifery student Lisa Pollard will spend two weeks in Vanuatu this July, but it will be no holiday.

While many cruise ships dock in Port Vila, Ms Pollard will volunteer in a bush hospital in the village of Santo, where the things that Australians consider to be the basics are pure luxury.

She is raising funds to get basic supplies for the Northern Provincial Hospital, rated as a secondary hospital after the main hospital in Port Vila.

“People think of Vanuatu as a tourist spot, but where I’m going they need the basics,” Ms Pollard said.

The final-year Australian Catholic University student said pregnant patients of the hospital had less medical help than in First World countries.

Ms Pollard will also travel to treat people in outlying villages.

She’s among six midwifery students hoping to raise $2000 to provide hospital supplies.

» gofundme.com/7959p8