Good Friday Appeal: Thomas and family say ‘thanks’

Alison and Chris Anderson know how important the Royal Children’s Hospital is to Victorian families.

Their son, Thomas, now 16 months, spent six days at the hospital last December having his skull remodelled to treat scaphocephaly.

Soft skull plates, whose joining points are known as sutures, had closed too early, leaving him with an abnormally shaped head.

The condition meant Thomas had an increased risk of pressure building up on his brain which can cause developmental delays, speech difficulties and vision impairment.

The Andersons, who volunteer at Point Cook CFA, are supporting this year’s Good Friday Appeal on April 18, saying they can’t thank the hospital enough.

The CFA will also collect money at Sanctuary Lakes shopping centre and Point Cook Town Centre on April 17 and 18.

» To volunteer: 9395 3827