Wyndham residents urged to take a stab at beating the flu

Wyndham residents are being urged to get vaccinated against influenza amid predictions that this year’s flu season will be the most dangerous on record.

The warning by the Influenza Specialist Group comes as new Health Department statistics reveal Wyndham recorded a 71 per cent increase in flu cases last year, with 163 cases reported to the department.

In 2012, 95 cases were recorded. Ten Wyndham residents have already been diagnosed with the flu this year.

Free vaccination is available for people aged 65 and over, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders aged 15 and over, pregnant women and anyone over six months with a medical condition that can lead to severe influenza.

South Western Melbourne Medicare Local chief executive Gaylene Coulton (pictured right) urged all Wyndham people to visit their doctors. “Making sure you’re vaccinated for the upcoming flu season is vital in maintaining immunity to influenza,” she said.

» betterhealth.vic.gov.au