Manor Lake to get park, path, plants in major overhaul

One of Wyndham’s biggest environmental assets is to receive a major facelift.

Dennis Family Corporation chief executive Peter Levinge revealed that Manor Lake – behind the similarly named Manor Lakes estate in Wyndham Vale – would be the subject of an overhaul.

“This is another important milestone and further exciting news for the growing community at Manor Lakes,” Mr Levinge said.

“Manor Lake not only provides the source of the estate name, but also acts as the central point for connection to all present and future development within the Manor Lakes boundaries.

“The various initiatives we plan to undertake in this project have been designed to capitalise on the lake reserve’s potential to take pride of place within the estate.”

A major part of the project will be the creation of a main park next to the lake and the construction of a concrete path along the creek. The other half of the redevelopment will be an extensive planting program involving about 20,000 new trees.

Mr Levinge said works had recently started and were expected to be completed before the end of this year.

“Our investment in this project will generate a significant natural asset for the whole Manor Lakes community,” he said.

“The planting program will attract further bird life and help provide a more sustainable ecology, while the new passive recreation areas will become a great attraction for local residents.”

Under the terms of an agreement between the Dennis Family corporation, Melbourne Water and Wyndham council, the lake will transfer to Melbourne Water after a two to three-year transitional period.