THE HILLIER VIEW: Sorry, but I’m over it

At least a dozen times a week my home phone rings and it is either silence or one of those annoying telemarketers. Many years ago I had what was called a silent number but, for whatever reason, that ceased and now my number is listed.

Although I’m told it has nothing to do with how telemarketers access numbers – it’s a program that randomly selects numbers – I wish my Tattslotto numbers came up as often.

I sort of feel sorry for the people ringing as they are only doing their job, except their job invades my privacy.

I usually say hello, let them pronounce my name incorrectly and then say no thanks and hang up. When the calls come in a rush, my tone does get a bit quicker and curter with each call, but I am never rude or swear.

I remember the very funny Seinfeld moment where Jerry said to a telemarketer something along the lines of: “No, now is not a good time. Give me your number and I’ll call you back.”

Rule 1: Telemarketers don’t have a sense of humour. Some people let their children answer the phone. Some of them now have new energy suppliers and a solar-power unit on the roof.

Rule 2: Telemarketers don’t care what you say. I can vouch for the fact that saying ‘Don’t call this number again” is telemarket-speak for “Please call back again whenever you like”.

Rule 3: Telemarketers have selective hearing. People tell me you can call an organisation and have your number listed so you don’t get calls. Hang on, isn’t that just another place where my number is available for people to see and access? The latest annoyance is telemarketers telling me they’re ringing from Melbourne. Good ploy, except when they say: “It’s a beautiful day, Mr Kevin. How is it in Hoopers Crossing?’’

Rule 4: Telemarketers failed geography in school or are blatant liars. Just when I thought I’d found sanctuary from this nuisance, as in when I’m not home, I got a telemarketer on my mobile telling me I’d won a holiday. I asked if I could give the holiday to the telemarketer. That way we could both have a break.

Rule 5: Read Rule 1 again.

Let me know your experiences.

>> If you have any news or events, let me know at kevin@howdypartnersmedia.