Wedge Street Piazza: Wyndham council scraps kiosk plans

Wyndham council has abandoned plans for a cafe at the Wedge Street Piazza as part of the next stage of the Werribee CBD revitalisation project.

As late as January last year, the council was spruiking the planned addition of a cafe, with the project expected to be completed by last December. But council chief executive Kerry Thompson confirmed the ‘open counter’
cafe/kiosk would not go ahead.

She said alternatives were being considered following limited business interest and fears the structure would detract from the visual attractiveness of the piazza.

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“Wyndham City is now planning other works, with the aim of increasing activity in the piazza and use by different community groups,’’ she said.

Ms Thompson said while a kiosk would not be built, the piazza had proved to be a popular development.

“Space in the piazza is able to be booked by the community for their use.

‘‘Community markets and events, tai chi, musical performances and free business-run community events have all been held in the piazza. A wedding was even recently held there. More activities of this type are being encouraged.”

The piazza opened in February 2011 and a connecting bridge that crosses the Werribee River was finished soon after.