YOUR VOICE: June 19-25

Many patients will have to pay

Sadly, most doctors will be unable to absorb the co-payment and will have to charge it [‘No patients with budget plans’, Star Weekly, June 18].

Many doctors have almost 50 per cent expenses, and a drop of $7 will equate to a drop in income of at least 30 per cent.

Bulk-billing doctors have absorbed a drop in income for many years, as the Medicare rebate doesn’t go up by the consumer price index.

Dr Joe Garra, via web

Program sends right message

It would be fantastic to see this in all schools [‘Gay students get a voice’, Star Weekly, June 18]. Kudos to the students and staff who are behind this.

Same-sex attracted youth have a high rate of depression and anxiety issues and feature disproportionately in suicide statistics.

These sorts of measures could help save someone’s life and make them realise they’re not alone.

LadyLuckDoubt, via web

Well done. If only this existed at the school before I pulled my gorgeous boy out. They should be so proud of the atmosphere they are creating.

Al, via web

For goodness sake, keep your sexual desires to yourself and leave our children alone.

We already have anti-discrimination laws and we certainly do not need to have this promotion as part of our education system.

John Abbott, via web

CCTV not the answer

Cameras aren’t a solution to crime prevention [‘Council caned on CCTV’, Star Weekly, June 18].

They can occasionally be used to prosecute a person after a crime has been committed, but they don’t stop the crime in the first place.

Prevention would involve better lighting, and more supervision by protective services officers or the police.

CCTV has actually been proven to be ineffective in crime prevention.

Plan It Right, via web

You must be joking, CCTV definitely helps reduce crime. Do your research.

Big Tree, via web

Animals deserve better

In this day and age, the presence of illegal puppy farms is an indictment on authorities, especially when the Premier is himself a veterinarian [‘Illegal puppy farm stayed open despite reports to RSPCA, Wyndham council’, Star Weekly online, June 18].

The RSPCA, Wyndham council and the very leader of the state government should be condemned for their inaction and lack of leadership.

Sharon, via web

This is absolutely disgusting. These people deserve to be prosecuted.

Animals should not be treated poorly, nor should they be subject to unlivable living conditions.

How would this person like to be fed food with maggots in it or drink green water? How would they like to sleep on a concrete floor?

It makes my heart break that there are people around like this.

Alissa, via web

No need to be prudes

Wyndham council should stop listening to the wowsers and property developers [‘Naked anger over cove cover-up’, Star Weekly, June 18]. Leave the nudist beach as it is.

Bill Strong, via web

I wasn’t aware Victoria had only four official clothing-optional beaches, and that they are distant from Melbourne.

Perth has a close and clean beach at Swanborne, and Sydney has a harbourside nude beach. Perhaps it’s just Victorian values? We should have enough beaches to allow more for various uses.

James Styles, Seddon

Never going to change

[Re: ‘Our wide, wide west’, Star Weekly, June 18]: Unfortunately the last paragraph in the article – “Governments should not be locating people in outer urban areas that they can’t service” – amounts to wishful thinking.

Albert Fey, via web

Time to let them know

Brilliantly said, Kevin [‘What have politicians ever done for us?’, The Hillier View, Star Weekly, June 18].

We have a lot of things to be proud of out here in the west, but if everyone in power keeps ignoring our infrastructure needs and keeps forcing more housing developments on us, we will be known for ghettos, crime and thousands of unsaleable properties.

This will only be turned around when the majority of Wyndham residents stand up.

Michael Young, via web

Road works on right track

Good to see some works happening around Truganina [Major roadworks to get under way, Star Weekly online, June 17]. Hope this improves the road infrastructure and cuts travel times.

CE, via web