Street tree vandalism hits Wyndham ratepayers

Wyndham ratepayers have forked out $22,000 over the past two years to replace vandalised street trees.

The vandalism has forced the council to replace 40 trees during that 24- month period. Last month, 12 trees along Cemetery Road, Werribee, were damaged, with branches removed and their stumps cut down to ground level.

The council has received other reports of vandalised trees across the city in recent months, prompting it to warn residents to take better care of their trees.

Cr Peter Gibbons said anyone caught damaging street trees could be referred to the police for investigation.

“Ultimately, it’s ratepayers who will pay for the cost of removing damaged trees and replanting new ones. This is money that could be put towards planting at other locations,” he said.

“It’s extremely disappointing that people are damaging these trees given the large benefit they provide for wildlife, air filtering and neighbourhood amenity.”

Cr Gibbons said the vandalism had major financial and environmental impacts.

He urged residents to care for their trees with regular watering, weeding and mulching.

The spate of vandalism comes as the council begins its street tree planting for 2014.

About 3000 trees will be planted on nature strips across the city during autumn and winter.