THE HILLIER VIEW: What have politicians done?

Where is the City of Wyndham in terms of it being a vital part of the state of Victoria?

We are continually being told we are the fastest-growing area in the state, but I doubt that’s a good thing in many ways.

I actually think it has become a way to camouflage a litany of problems for us and our elected representatives.

We are clearly the largest number of people who have no political power whatsoever.

Even when the prime minister was our local federal representative, we were still behind the eight-ball in terms of financial support and clout in social issues.

Apart from the money given to the recreation centre and the leisure and events centre, what major projects have actually seen the light of day?

For me, those are two that are big on dollars but small on community outcomes.

We keep hearing a lot about the East Werribee precinct and what it will bring to the city, but that’s a long way off.

We have one of the busiest Centrelink offices in the state, which says what?

I am tired of the perception that everyone in the western suburbs is dumb and works less than everyone else.

What do you think ?

We have a lot to be proud of.

I know there’s a presentation about to take place for state parliamentarians in the next few weeks to highlight what the west has going for it.

Most of which no one knows about.

I think the presentation is a great initiative and I hope it gets a lot of attention because it deserves it.

I’m the first to put my hand up to not knowing about a lot of things that are going on but, like you, I find out these things only if I am alerted to them.

That’s what this column and this newspaper are here for.

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