YOUR VOICE: June 12-18

West always last on the list

(Re: Cash cut may shut new ward, Star Weekly, June 11). That would be right. All of us in the west are always missing out. I call it discrimination. If anything, the Werribee Mercy still needs to be bigger.

The west is always last on the list. What about our roads? Peak hour traffic is bedlam and the west is growing so fast, but nothing is being done about it.

These federal and state governments are a bloody joke. It’s all about feeding their own pockets.

Tony Abbott is just an embarrassment and Napthine is a wimp. Sometimes I am embarrassed to be an Aussie. I certainly don’t ever vote Liberals. They are not for the people.

Sue, via web

Why would one of the fastest-growing municipalities in the country need extra hospital beds? What are these morons in power doing?

The Werribee Mercy is where my mum spent several weeks post-surgery from a hip replacement. It must have been built on the cheap in the first place because one lift wasn’t working the whole time she was there and then two days before she came home the second lift broke down. Which was really handy for post-op.

Mind you, the staff there were great.

Greg, via web

Pets should feel safe, too

I really hope these stolen dogs are found and returned and not used for fighting (Fears for stolen dog, Star Weekly, June 4).

But the sad and pitiful truth is that these dogs most probably will die horrible and painful deaths just because their owners weren’t responsible enough to keep them safe.

If you love your dogs, don’t leave them outside when you’re not watching them; don’t let them run around without a leash and keep them indoors locked up when you’re going out.

You wouldn’t leave your child outside alone so don’t put your pet at risk either.

Ellen Anderson, via web

Ellen Anderson, it is not the owner’s fault that the dogs got taken, and we shouldn’t have to live in fear. Your property is your own. You and your family (dogs included) should feel safe at all times.

Mike, via web

This is disgusting. I hate the thought that people can be so cruel as to steal other people’s pets, but it’s worse to make dogs fight and use smaller dogs as bait. These people deserve to rot in prison!

I am really sorry to hear this guy’s dog was taken.

And Ellen, I think it’s unfair to blame the owner as it’s not an option for some people to leave their dogs inside.

Michelle, via web

Vision lost

(Re: Developers asked to present vision for East Werribee, Star Weekly web, June 11): The developers’ vision is pretty simple – to make as big a profit as possible without too much thought about the impact that they leave behind.

Further congestion, more pressure on overstretched schools, hospitals, roads, transport … fits right in with the government’s vision.

CeeMee, via web

They are going to put the housing centre and town centre first and that will be the only thing that gets developed as developers will have made their money by then and the government won’t be interested any more.

Feels more like a way to allow developers to grab land – telling people infrastructure is coming later, but it will never arrive.

Sam, via web