Mercy Health ‘urgent need appeal’ helps ease the pain

Martin Kaltner has seen first hand the difference Mercy Health’s “urgent need appeal” can make to the life of a terminally ill patient.

As a palliative care nurse at Werribee Mercy Hospital, Mr Kaltner spends his day caring for people who are terminally ill.

His role is to ensure patients are as comfortable as possible by helping them deal with their pain. But he’s also on hand to provide advice to their carers and loved ones.

The urgent need appeal raises money for families who are struggling to make ends meet while caring for sick loved ones.

“It’s extremely difficult for patients and their families once they are told about a terminal illness,” Mr Kaltner said. “The patient may have a long or short time to live and they still need to be able to pay the bills … it’s nice to know there is a safety net for people.”

The annual Mercy Health Foundation ball, to be held at the Plaza Ballroom in Melbourne on June 14, will help raise money for the appeal.

Mercy Health is hoping to raise $2 million.

Mr Kaltner said working as a palliative care nurse was a confronting job, but he couldn’t see himself doing anything else.

“I focus on symptoms, contributing factors and how we can relieve them,” he said. “It’s very hands on, but the reward of being able to help someone in pain is amazing.”

To donate to the appeal, phone 8416 7766.