MY WYNDHAM: Tony Hooper, Point Cook

Film producer Tony Hooper believes Wyndham has a rich environment for film-making. He also has a passion for helping locals through Point Cook Action Group, writes Rebecca Miller.

What’s your connection to the local community?

I’ve been living in Point Cook for six years. This year, I became president of Point Cook Action Group. We are keenly supporting the Get Wyndham Moving campaign for better transport and more local jobs and infrastructure. We support the East Werribee Employment Precinct but believe it needs a more inspiring name – it could be the Manhattan of the West.

Part of the Point Cook Action Group’s work, and a passion of mine, is working with VicRoads to address tagging along Palmers Road. We’d like murals painted by local school kids to build a sense of community ownership.

Personally, I’ve been advocating expansion of the film sector within Wyndham, which sadly has no major facilities for pre- and post-production. I’d like to see a tailored TAFE course. We should attract low-budget filmmaking to Wyndham (and Geelong) to create ongoing employment opportunities.

I maintain the Superheroes of Point Cook, a Relay for Life fund-raising group working towards gathering the most people dressed as super heroes to give Point Cook (and Wyndham) a Guinness World Record.

How do you spend your downtime?

I edit, write and shoot films in Wyndham. Almost anywhere around the world can be replicated here in Wyndham. For example, Werribee Park could be used as a backdrop for Africa. Spending time with my family at Werribee Manor, having a picnic or visiting the You Yangs are other favourites.

Where’s a good place for a coffee or bite to eat?

Theobroma at Point Cook Town Centre. I love the dark hot chocolate there. Sanctuary Lakes Hotel do a great parma.

What would you change in your neighbourhood?

Point Cook and Wyndham generally need more jobs for white-collar workers, as a lot of people travel into the city for work. There also needs to be more opportunities here for film-makers. We need a larger precinct for the arts and a centralised event for people to attend. The cultural centre and gallery in Watton Street aren’t large enough.

What would you not change?

The neighbourly community. It’s more country than the country and an enjoyable
place to live.