GREAT CYCLE CHALLENGE: Westbourne teacher rides for Rafael

Julie Minehan. Photo: Damjan Janevski

Julie Minehan is the first to admit that she’s not an accomplished cyclist – but she’s not letting that stop her from riding 500 kilometres to raise money to help fight childhood cancers.

The Westbourne Grammar School teacher is taking part in October’s Great Cycle Challenge to raise money for the Children’s Medical Research Institute.

Her inspiration for taking on the challenge is a pupil at her school, 10-year-old Rafael Moraes, who was diagnosed with neuroblastoma at the age of four.

Rafael has regular chemotherapy in a bid to reduce the solid tumor cancer of his sympathetic nervous system.

“Rafael has an amazing smile; he’s just so happy and so strong,” Ms Minehan aid. “When I first met him, his cancer was in remission.

“When I found out the cancer was back, I couldn’t believe it because he didn’t let it stop him. He was out playing soccer and didn’t let the cancer change his personality.”


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Ms Minehan has set herself a target of raising $1000. Already, she has received $700 in donations, with her martial arts club, Martial Journey in Point Cook, sponsoring her
$1 for every kilometre that she rides during the month.

Ms Minehan says reaching 500 kilometres will be challenging, given she has never ridden her bike on roads.

“I’m scared of the unknown,” she said. “I grew up in the country so I’m used to snakes and that, but riding next to cars is a bit scary. I’ll just get up on October 1, though, and give it a go. It’s for a good cause.”

To sponsor Ms Minehan, visit