Road works target dangerous Truganina intersection

One of Wyndham’s most dangerous intersections, at Palmers and Leakes roads in Truganina, is to be upgraded to make it safer.

Western Metropolitan Liberal MP Andrew Elsbury says the state government will provide $2.5 million for the job in a bid to cut the number of collisions in the area, many of which occur when drivers have to choose a safe gap in oncoming traffic to turn right.

There were 18 casualty crashes at the intersection in the five years to June 2012, with eight resulting in serious injury.

“The works will upgrade the signals at all sides of the busy intersection,” Mr Elsbury said.

“Drivers will a receive ‘green time’ to turn right, which will make navigating the intersection easier and safer.

“Other improvements include an additional lane for Leakes Road at the intersection in both directions and a second right-turn lane for south-bound vehicles turning from Palmers Road into Leakes Road.”

Wyndham mayor Bob Fairclough said the council had contributed $200,000 to the redevelopment as part of the Get Wyndham Moving campaign.

“Wyndham is Victoria’s fastest-growing municipality, with significant traffic congestion issues to address so it’s great to have state, federal and local governments come together to fund an important project like this,” Cr Fairclough said.

Mr Elsbury said the intersection’s upgrade would improve traffic flow in Wyndham while reducing the risk of crashes.

“Leakes Road operates as a major access point for Wyndham residents travelling to and from the city via the Princes Freeway and it carries about 18,000 vehicles a day,” he said.

“Palmers Road carries around 12,000 vehicles a day.”