MY WYNDHAM: Nik Tsardakis, Werribee South

“I really love Wyndham,” long-time resident and community-minded citizen Nik Tsardakis says. “Having worked in Tokyo and Thailand, I can say there’s nothing like coming home.”

What’s your connection to the local community?

I was born in Werribee, have lived in Hoppers Crossing and now call Werribee South home. I’ve raised five children in Wyndham and used to live on the land as my family had a farm – a market garden – in Werribee South.

I’ve been a member of Hoppers Crossing Rotary for 35 years and been director of Manor Court Werribee Aged Care since 2000, with a stint as chairman.

I was director of the old Werribee District Hospital and am now chairman of the Werribee District Hospital Foundation, which stemmed from that. Any profits we make go to Werribee Mercy Hospital.

I’ve been president of the Ratepayers Association of Werribee South, a committee member of the Greenwich Management Plan and the Regional Rail Community Reference Group, as well as being involved with the East Werribee Employment Precinct.

The welcoming nature of the Wyndham community, including the local council, has given me many opportunities.

What do you like about Wyndham?

The open spaces, being close to the bay, the cultural diversity and tourist attractions, including the mansion grounds, agricultural precinct and the Western Treatment Plant because it has sanctuaries for flora and fauna.

What would you like to change?

The conditions of our road network and the traffic congestion.

More funding is required for the public health system and hospitals.

In the employment precinct, I’d like to see Victoria University be a multi-uni facility with more students offered courses from there and other universities to study engineering and applied science so those skills can be used to build infrastructure. The more people trained in those areas the more we can transform the city’s capacity for new businesses and stay competitive in a global economy.

What’s your favourite eatery or place to get coffee?

I like Wyndham Cache, Jacksons on K, Shadowfax, Point Cook shopping centre and Joseph’s at the mansion. All the owners

at those places are very welcoming.

How do you spend your downtime?

I occasionally play golf at Sanctuary Lakes, where I’m a member. I spend time with my grandchildren and go overseas to visit family.