Wyndham changes community grants criteria

Wyndham council has revamped its community grants program.

Priority will be given to projects to be completed within 12 months and no projects will be funded for more than three years.

The move follows a comprehensive review of the program to ensure it continues to meet the needs of the community.

The revised program, endorsed by councillors on September 22, includes six grants categories ranging from $500 to $50,000.

As part of the changes, more support will be provided to applicants, including opportunities to discuss applications with council staff and free grant-writing and project management workshops.

While priority will be provided to projects to be finished or self-sufficient within 12 months, there will be provision for recipients to apply for funding for a further two years.

Iramoo ward councillor Peter Maynard said that under the previous community grants program, the council had become a “cash cow” for some organisations.

The changes would ensure funding recipients were more accountable and also provided with appropriate support.

Mayor Bob Fairclough said the program would offer a broad range of funding options.

“There’s an increased emphasis on projects that will help the city to deliver its strategic objectives in relation to improved health and wellbeing outcomes, as well as greater environmental sustainability,” he said.

“For the first time ever, individuals will also be able to apply for up to $500 to undertake small grassroots projects that help to build positive connections between neighbours or creatively enhance local environments through direct community action and activity.”

Grant applications open on October 31. Details: www.wyndham.vic.gov.au