Concert fined over noise concerns


The Let Them Eat Cake concert organisers have found themselves eating a $9880 slice of humble pie in the form of a fine after failing to comply with an Environment Protection Authority Victoria order.

The Werribee Mansion concert took place last New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day and brought in thousands of revellers for the late night party.

Part of the organiser’s duties were to manage the event’s noise to minimise impacts to nearby homes and be able to report to the EPA within 30 days on how they did that.

The EPA followed up on the concerns requiring the organisers to show what they had done to mitigate excessive noise levels and manage complaints. However, they did not provide the information, failed to meet the deadline and have been fined.

“The return of the live music scene in Victoria following Covid has been very successful, but noise is always going to be an issue,” EPA west metropolitan regional manager Jeremy Settle said.

“We’ve also put them on notice that we will be giving them even closer scrutiny for 2026”