Step back in time with historical event

Keilor Historical Society's Susan Jennison is encouraging everyone to attend the Harrick’s Cottage open day event. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 461345_07

For nearly three decades, the Keilor Historical Society has turned the clocks back to the 1800s with its annual Harrick’s Cottage open day event and this year will be no different as residents get a taste of early farming practices in Keilor.

As part of the upcoming Harrick’s Cottage and Police Hut Open Day event, visitors will be able to tour the old site while enjoying an exhibition on the Arundel Farm Estate.

According to the society’s vice president Susan Jennison, it’s a great opportunity for residents to learn more about their region.

“Local history is an important thing people should be aware of,” she said.

“We do this every year because it gives everyone a chance to know more about things that are of historical note to the area.”

Visitors will be able to step into the cottage and the prefab police hut on the day, and experience those structures like never before.

“The exhibition will be put up inside the cottage with panels and booklets on the Arundel Farm Estate,” Ms Jennison said.

“People will learn about the estate’s past so I encourage everyone to come learn something new.”

A wide range of Keilor Historical Society publications will also be available for purchase.

The event will take place on 152 Harrick Road in Keilor Park on Sunday, March 16, from 12.30 to 5pm.

Prealene Khera