Community Calendar

This week's photographer's choice picture is of Sunshine Eagles' Scott Maore in action against Doncaster in the Victorian Summer Baseball League. (Ljubica Vrankovic) 462169_01

National seniors meeting

On the first Wednesday of every month at 1.30pm, the metro west branch of national seniors meets atthe Deer Park Club, with meals available to purchase. The group also holds lunches on different Fridays each month, as well as activities such as theatre visits, bus trips and more.

■ 0425 713 004, or

Rotary Club of Wyndham Harbour

Assist with service projects in the local community and overseas. The club meets at 7pm on the first Tuesday of the month at the ‘By the Bay Cafe’ in Wyndham Harbour.

■ Mamode, 0469 888 126

Women Working Together

Are you 50-plus and want assistance from someone who understands? Employment Support strives to connect mentors and mentees to make this happen. Reach out to learn more

■ 9655 2131, or

Wyndham Combined Probus

A social club for retired or semi-retired people. There is a broad range of social activities to suit all interests such as lunches and brunches each month, day trips, theatre outings and longer trips away. Hear interesting speakers and make new friendships. The group meets on the second Tuesday of each month at Iramoo Community Centre, Honour Ave, Wyndham Vale. Meetings commence at 1pm.

■ Judy Marsh, 0411 034 311, or

Lions Club

The Lions Club of Point Cook meets at the Featherbrook Community Centre on the third Monday of the month at 7.30 pm. The club is seeking to grow the Lions free vision screening in schools team. Volunteers needed to work with the region’s schools in combating undiagnosed children’s vision issues. You do not have to be a Lions member but must obtain a working with children check.

■ Robert Eyton, 0417 549 684, or

Laverton Community Choir

Open to new members and everyone is welcome. If you enjoy singing, and are curious about joining a choir, come along and try out your vocal cords with our fun and inclusive group. No audience or musical knowledge required. Meets on Thursday evenings during school terms at Laverton P12 College, 91 Bladin Street, Laverton from 7-9pm, with supper provided.

■ Sue 0418386147 or

Point Cook VIEW

The Point Cook Day VIEW Club (for ladies) meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month at the Point Cook Library, 1-21 Cheetham Street, Point Cook. Members enjoy afternoon teas and outings. New members welcome. VIEW Is part of the Smith Family.

■ Catherine, 0407 726 852.

Watton Group

A support group providing a social space for carers to get together in a safe and compassionate environment. Gives carers an opportunity to connect, share their experiences and offers emotional and practical support. The group meets at the Eco-Living Centre at 10am, every fourth Tuesday of the month.

■ Patricia, 0434 487 360, or

All Abilities Netball

All Abilities Netball for 10-to-25-year-olds is run by Wyndham Netball Association every Saturday morning during school terms, from 10.30am, on outside court 14 at Eagle Stadium, Ballan Road, Werribee. Intellectual, physical and social disabilities are catered for in a fun and supported group. Come and try your first session for free, with stadium entry $2.

■Phil, 0437 078 739

Walking Netball

Walking Netball is a low impact, no running, no jumping version for those that love the fun, friendship and activity of a weekly game of netball. Sessions are run every Thursday during school terms, from 8pm, at Eagle Stadium, Ballan Road, Werribee. Come and try your first session for free, with stadium entry $2.

■Phil, 0437 078 739

Adult community garden group

The group meets on the first Wednesday of the month, 10-11am, at Iramoo Community Centre, 84 Honour Avenue, Wyndham Vale. Head down and join them as they maintain their rejuvenated community garden. Planting and harvesting produce that they grow.

■ 8742 3688

Seniors House of Fun

The Grange Community Centre invites seniors of Wyndham to its weekly Seniors House of Fun. This is a free program running every Friday, 11am-12.30pm, at The Grange Community Centre, 260-280 Hogans Road, Hoppers Crossing.

■ Vanessa, 8742 8000, or

Seniors club

The Werribee Senior Citizens Club meets at 80 Lonsdale Circuit, Hoppers Crossing. The group is open to all people 55-plus and it runs on Wednesdays, 10am-noon. Entry: $2, includes morning tea.

■ 0403 041 499

Diabetes Support Group

The Werribee Diabetes support provides an opportunity to hear from experts on how to manage your diabetes, to share information on diabetes and to engage with other diabetics Meetings are at the old council shire buildings at 10am every second Friday of the month.

■Bob, 0409 252872.

U3A Werribee

The group is a not-for-profit community organisation for semi-retired and retired Wyndham residents. They hold a variety of classes-activities specifically designed for seniors, including, light physical and mental wellbeing sessions, arts, games and craft, and general classes such as current affairs, history and lunch groups. Most classes-activities are held at Wyndham community centres.

■ Rick, 0402 299 220.

Lions Club

Lions Club of Werribee meets at the Hoppers Crossing Club, 180-200 Pannam Drive, Hoppers Crossing, on the third Wednesday of the month at 6:30 p.m

■ Jorge, 0433 566 575

Bingo for all

The Werribee RSL hosts Bingo every Monday between 12.30-2.30pm.

■ 9741 5525

Western Melbourne Men’s Chorus

Do you like to sing? The Western Melbourne Men’s Chorus wants you! Be part of a rewarding fraternity of fellow amateur musicians serving the community, sharing comradery and having fun. Rehearsals at 7pm Tuesday evenings at St. James Church, Hoppers Crossing.

■ Chris, 0400 414 215

Beekeeping group

Werribeeks is a group for beekeepers in and around Werribee and surrounding suburbs that meet every third Monday of the month at the Wyndham Park Community Centre to share information, tips and ideas on beekeeping..


Dementia Carers Group

IPC Health Dementia Carers Group is held on the first Tuesday of the month, from 12.30-2.30pm. The group is for people who care for someone with dementia or a similar condition associated with memory loss. It empowers carers through education, social connectedness and emotional support while socialising and meeting people in similar situations. Registration is essential.

■ Leah Hewitt or Joyce Chan, 1300 472 432 or

Werribee River Association

New volunteers to support Landcare work along the Werribee River. A great way to give back, get outdoors and work at your own pace., or

Wyndham Park Community Shed

A place to connect, share skills, get hands on, and have fun. New members and volunteers welcome. Mens Shed open Tuesdays and Thursdays, Womens Shed open Monday and Shed for All Abilities open Sunday. Tool Library open on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday.

■ 0437270791