Rail promises a long time coming

Typical of Labor to promise miracles but never actually deliver [‘Clear cut choice for voters on traffic woes’, Star Weekly, September 17].

Fix the Cherry and Werribee crossings? The ALP refused to do this during its decade-long reign but now pretends it will finally do something about these dangerous crossings. What’s even worse is the fact that a majority of people in the west will still vote Labor, despite the fact the ALP continually fails to work for our best interests.

Nothing will change here until we make our seats marginal.

Tony A, via web

We need an alternative river crossing to the West Gate Bridge, no matter what.

Cee Mee, via web

Pollution a major problem

I don’t care about the horses. Why are we not worrying more about the pollution that is engulfing Werribee [‘Noise works for top horses’, Star Weekly, September 17].

With houses and the plaza being ripped up, the wind blows rubbish every which way. God only knows what’s in the soil, but it is causing ill health.

I can’t even turn on my heater to keep warm. When I’m tempted, all I get is a foul odour and the taste gets into my mouth.

It’s really horrible. My lungs won’t cope at this rate.

Anna Laszynski, via web

Sometimes, it’s a dog’s life

Re: ‘Anxious pooches put on the couch’, Star Weekly, September 10: My 10-month-old black labrador Diesel has shown signs of separation anxiety when I’m in the house and he’s in the backyard.

He runs to every window and pants rapidly.

Even when he sees me, he bashes on the glass doors in desperation.

My other dog Shilo was a pure-bred collie. She didn’t show any signs of anxiety at all – we released her into the backyard from the laundry as an eight-week-old pup and she never had any desire to be inside.

We had this sweetie for 15 wonderful years.

I’m hoping Diesel will improve with age. Either way, we love him just the same.

Amanda, via web