Jerry’s very bad day

Jerry is back... a little worse for wear (Supplied).

Jaidyn Kennedy

Wyndham icon Jerry the Giraffe has made it home, albeit not in one piece.

After being abducted from Huntington Court in Werribee during the early hours of Wednesday, October 9, the cult hero had a day that would even leave another Jerry – Springer that is – in shock.

Thinking at first it may have been friends playing a practical joke, Jerry’s creator Dale Cations soon jerried that this was something more sinister.

The local legend was found on the afternoon of the following day during a police raid on a Werribee property, but not before being decapitated, losing an ear, a leg, having his mouth gouged open and finally left for dead on a pile of scrap.

Jerry’s travels started as a bit of fun, but the 2.5-metre tall swashbuckling sensation’s trips began to take on more meaning. His 97 appearances across the area to date have seen him bring joy to kindergartners, children with disabilities and at the local hospital.

“It certainly wasn’t my aim to be doing that, but every time I was ready to give it up, little Johnny’s mum would ring me,” Mr Cations said about Jerry’s popularity.

As Jerry’s star rose, Mr Cation’s wife did what any good publicist would do and got him on Instagram, where he now has over 700 followers.

Once Jerry reaches 1000 followers, the plan is for him to be auctioned, with the proceeds going towards the winner’s charity of choice.

While cynical minds might be forgiven for assuming Jerry succumbed to the rock’n’roll lifestyle – as many celebrities do – this wild ride was completely out of character.

Luckily Jerry did not have to endure the ordeal alone, as he was accompanied by another inanimate object, a piece of firewood that was also stolen.

Mr Cations has vowed that Jerry will be back better than ever.

The boys at Werribee Zoo have not been identified as suspects.

If Jerry could speak, he would probably have a lot to say (or maybe he wouldn’t want to talk about it).

To keep up with his adventures, follow @jerrygiraf on Instagram.