Evan McLean cleans up

Evan, 10, doing his bit for the environment.. (Damjan Janevski)

Yarraville’s Evan McLean is showing that a little bit of recycling can go a long way in keeping your local area clean.

The 10-year-old Year 5 student has had a long fascination with recycling around the house, an interest that started with a love for garbage trucks and the sound of crashing glass.

“At a young age, and now as well, I liked garbage trucks and bins,” he said.

The introduction of Victoria’s Container Deposit Scheme (CDS) last year turned the hobby into something more profitable for Evan.

While making some extra pocket money is great, for Evan it is a bonus to know nothing is wasted in landfill.

“I like that you can get a bit of money for cashing in cans, and most importantly I know that it’s always getting recycled.” he said.

Evan discussed some reasons others might want to get involved.

“I guess it’s a great novelty to get some money, exercise and help the environment- in all aspects a very good way to get money.”

He was asked the inevitable question that many kids loathe- what he might like to be when he grows up?

“Probably a garbage truck driver, that’s my number one passion at the moment.”

While buying the occasional game, Evan said he makes sure to save his money.

TOMRA Cleanaway’s Victorian Container Deposit Scheme (CDS) covers Melbourne’s northern and western suburbs and has refunded more than $21 million across 114 sites.

For your nearest CDS west point: cdsvic.org.au/locations

Jaidyn Kennedy