Rental inspections to kick off


Jaidyn Kennedy

The state government’s rental taskforce is commencing its first rental inspections this weekend.

The taskforce team will be attending rental inspections across Victoria as it scales up operations, checking that rental properties meet the mandatory minimum standards.

The rental minimum standards include requirements such as a functional kitchen, lockable external doors, and being structurally sound and waterproof.

Victorians who suspect properties available for rent are being falsely advertised or do not meet minimum standards can alert Consumer Affairs Victoria directly through a new complaint form online.

Victorians looking for a rental property are urged to use the new form to report concerns.

Werribee MP Tim Pallas spoke about the reforms.

“We have led the way with more than 130 rental reforms, and the renting taskforce will make the rental market fairer for everyone in our community,” he said.

Letting a new renter move into a rental property that does not meet the minimum standards is a criminal offence, with maximum penalties of over $11,000 for individuals and over $57,000 for companies.

To access the report form, visit