Help fundraise for Red Nose Australia


Australia’s much-loved national fundraiser Red Nose Australia is calling upon Wyndham residents to “get silly” for a serious cause – saving infant lives. Red Nose day will be held on August 9.

Residents across Australia are encouraged to visit the Red Nose Australia website to discover a wide range of activities to help fundraise. Participants can show their support by registering for a fundraising event, taking part in the Red Nose disco, buying merchandise (the long list of goods now also includes a new line of limited edition Wiggles Plushies), or simply making a donation.

Dedicated to saving little lives during pregnancy, infancy, and early childhood, as well as providing support for grieving families, Red Nose Australia has invested $18 million into lifesaving research, reducing SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) by 80% over the last 36 years.

CEO of Red Nose, Keren Ludski lost her own son to a sudden, unexpected death.

“Losing a child is every parent’s worst nightmare and it’s a nightmare you can never wake up from. Unfortunately, I know that from firsthand experience, having lost my son Ben to SIDS,” Keren said.

“Red Nose Day is an opportunity for every Australian to offer their support to grieving families and prevent more little lives from being lost,”

All funds from the day will go towards research, education and initiatives to save lives and support families in grief.